A pitched roof is a roof that slopes downward, usually in two parts at an angle from a central ridge, but sometimes in one part, from one edge to another. The pitch of a roof is its vertical rise divided by its horizontal span and is a measure of its stability.
When the topmost surface of a roof is sloping, it is called a pitched roof or sloping roof, which is more suitable in areas where there is heavy rainfall or snowfall.
This roof can be used appropriately for buildings of limited width and simple size that can be properly roofed.
Here we will learn about pitched roof, types of pitched roof, advantages and disadvantages of pitched roof.
Introduction to Pitched roof:
Pitched roof are not suitable for buildings with irregular plans with longer spans and pitch roofs that have multiple components such as valleys, gutters and humps.
In this type, the roof is tilted at the level of the wall height on one side and the lower height on the other side.
A wall plate built in wood rests on a stone corbel or steel corbel, the slope of the roof is usually kept as 30 degrees.
The common rafters are placed on a wooden wall plate, its upper end is normalized then normal wood is raised, then mounted on a wooden checkpoint at its lower end.
Types of pitched roof:
1.Couple roof:
In this couple roof, a pair or roof is used to give slopes on either side of the roof.
The ridge is common to both latter, one end of each pair placed on the ridge, and the other end is notched made for wooden wall plates that lie on the upper part of the masonry wall.
Couple roof wall plate level is limited to 3.6 because of its tendency to stretch and affect the wall supporting the wall plates.
2.Couple-close roof:
A couple-close roof construction is similar to a pair roof but the difference is that the ends of a pair of common rafters are attached to a tie beam.
The purpose of providing a tie beam is to prevent 3 pairs of common offices from spreading out and affect the impact of wall.
The dovetail halved joint is used to connect the tie beam and the lower end of the tourism rafters; a tie beam is provided for each pair of rafters most suitable for periods up to 4.2 meters.
When the load is high or the span is high, common rafters may bend or relax in the middle then to prevent this sagging, a central vertical rod is provided.
3.Collar beam roof:
Collar pitched roof is also called collar tie roof.
In the case of a doubled beam roof for extended periods or for overloading, rafters may undergo sagging or bending.
It can be prevented by providing a tie beam at 1/3 to 1/2 of the vertical height from the wall plate toward the ridge, this filled tie beam towards the ridge side is called the collar beam or collar tie.
The closed-cup roof and the collar beam roof are the same, in the case of a closed- toured roof, the tie beam is provided at the same level at the wall plate, but in the case of the collar beam the roof is above.
This type of roof is stronger, most suitable up to 5 meters because the collar beam is raised above the level of the wall plate, and the room height increases.
4.Collar and Scissors root:
In the collar and scissors roof, two collar beams are provided with a scissor-like wall plate, two collar beams crossing each other and supported by a pair of subsequent or different raids.
5.Double roof or later and purlin roof:
This double roof pitched roof is also called rafter and purlin roof, it has two basic components such as rafters and purlins.
Pathos are supported intermediately to reduce its posterior size, which makes the roof structure more economical.
Applying two or more puffs for larger size roofs can be provided with each subsequent support with the provision of collar beams and purlin and other with the provision of hanger binder and tie beams.
6.Triple member roof or truss roof:
Triple members believe that roofs or truss roofs are more suitable when the span of the roof is more than 5 m.
When this span is long, there are no intermediate masonry walls to support the purlins, the wood for the roof trusses created in the spacing usually limited to 3 meters.
This type of roof has the following three basic components, followed by purlin and frame or truss.
Advantages of Pitched Roof:
Followings are the advantages of the pitched roof as follows:
Safety against Environmental Hazards:
It formed like a triangle, they are steady and much more effective when dealing with excessive climate including heavy rain and snowfall.
The roof design helps direct water away from the home and waterlogging are much less.
Thermal effectivity:
Natural ventilation underneath the highest roof layer significantly improves the thermal effectivity of a building.
This ensures optimal indoor comfort in both winter and summer.
Energy savings:
The building envelope accounts for about 25–35% of energy losses within a building.
The pitched roof is constructed to allow natural ventilation between the outer layer and the constructing conserves power.
Some roofing tiles have sustainable credentials to combine solar panels inside the structure of pitched roofs.
Longer lifespan:
Flat roofs require continuous maintenance of their drainage systems to avoid leakage.
While a pitched roof is more expensive, cheaper and less frequent repairs make up for it.
The roof is covered in high-quality natural slate, with a lifespan of over 100 years does not require any maintenance.
And if you want it to last long and looks beautiful use roofing shingles as a finish layer.
Rainwater reuse:
Pitched roofs make it simpler to reuse rainwater than flat roofs, the external drainage system is easy to modify and maintain.
The pitched roof can be converted into sufficient additional living space inside the house.
Disadvantages of Pitched Roof:
Followings are the disadvantages of the pitched roof system as follows:
- Pitched roofs place a more burden on the foundation of the building and demand a better depth of footing, changing a flat roof with pitched roofs is not always possible on the present structure.
- It is not possible for buildings with multiple levels or complex plans.
- Architecture cannot be done as much with a roof.
- More expensive to install and maintain.
Also read: Types of Trusses, Types of Walls & Types of Structures
A pitched roof is a roof structure where the roof is bent on one side of the house, also known as a lean-to roof.
Rafters are often individually attached to the wall or even supported on a wall plate within the wall.
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