Bamboo reinforced concrete is built using the same design, proportioning, and processes as steel-reinforced concrete.
Only the steel reinforcement is changed for bamboo reinforcement.
In this article you’ll learn:
- What is Bamboo reinforced concrete?
- Purpose of Bamboo reinforced concrete.
- Properties of Bamboo reinforced concrete.
- Merits and Demerits of Bamboo reinforced concrete.
- Lots more.
So, if you’re ready to go with Bamboo reinforced concrete, this article is for you.
Let’s get started!
What is Bamboo Reinforced Concrete?
Bamboo is utilized as a building material in several parts of the world.
As an option for steel reinforcement, bamboo is also utilized reinforcement.
Bamboo is a structural material that is commonly employed as scaffolding and in a variety of other project buildings, but it is also used as reinforcement for concrete structures in a number of countries.
Purpose of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete:
- Bamboo reinforced concrete has a higher tensile strength than steel and can tolerate compression better than concrete. Bamboo is six times stronger than steel in terms of strength.
- The exterior layer of bamboo possesses an impermeable barrier that keeps it from decomposing in the presence of water and dampness.
Bamboo as a Reinforcement Material in Concrete Construction:

The material used as concrete reinforcement should have all of the necessary qualities to make the piece structurally functional during load.
In the case of steel, we fabricate it to the necessary percentage and then test it for basic tensile properties as a quality control measure.
The same procedure must be followed with bamboo. Bamboo may be found in nature in several kinds.
Each species has unique properties like texture, thickness, and strength.
As a result, it is critical to understand which species are suitable for reinforcing and which are not.
Selection of Bamboo for Bamboo Reinforced Concrete:
Species: Bamboo variety should be utilized for reinforcing. Bamboo is made up of about 1500 different species.
Its properties, thickness, texture, strength and other tests should be checked to make sure it meets the standards of reinforcement material.
Age and colour: The colour of the bamboo used as reinforcement must be dark brown, indicating that it is at least three years old.
Diameter: There is no exact diameter for choosing bamboo for reinforcement, however it has been researched that the selected bamboo should have long, large cuttings.
Harvesting: Bamboo cut in summer and spring should not be used as reinforcement.
Properties of Bamboo for Reinforced Concrete:
Durability of Bamboo:
The curing process removes the starch and moisture content, which is the major attraction for insects.
The advantages of curing may only be obtained if the bamboo used is the proper one, as specified in the bamboo choosing procedure.
The bamboo treatment must be carried out when the bamboo is still dry. Bamboo can be treated in several methods, including:
- Curing on the spot.
- Curing with smoke.
- The immersion procedure.
- The heating procedure.
The conservation treatment is performed on bamboo to ensure the durability factor and that there is no influence on chemical composition.
The main problem with bamboo reinforced concrete is its durability.
Bamboo’s chemical and physical qualities are determined to be high, with a low humidity content. Moulds would be kept at bay by the low humidity level of bamboos.
Water Absorption of Bamboo:
Water absorption is one of the primary concerns of any mixed design structural materials.
The water absorption capability of bamboo was evaluated in several varieties.
Just a few bamboo species have been identified to absorb less water, including Bambusa Vulgaris and Dendrocalamus Giganteus.
Other bamboo species can also be utilized, but they must be treated in some way to limit the rate of water absorption.
The exterior layer of bamboo possesses an impermeable barrier that keeps it from decomposing in the presence of water and dampness.
However, various treatments are performed in order to improve permeability efficacy.
Strength of Bamboo Towards Bonding:
Steel reinforcement bars have ridges on them to generate a strong connection with the concrete.
To achieve bonding with the concrete, bamboo should have some sort of adhesion property with it.
To achieve excellent bonding, the bamboo should have a hard texture.
Damaged bamboo can weaken the bonding strength of concrete by generating voids or cracks as a result of void development.
It can also weaken the bonding strength by causing the bamboo to expand as it pulls away from the concrete. Bamboo therapy can effectively address these issues.
Material Properties of Bamboo for Reinforcement:
- Bamboo is an orthotropic material due to its origin that is made up of fibres.
- It acquires strong strength along the fibres but poor strength transversely.
- The bamboo has a composite material construction with cellulose fibres arranged across the length.
- It possesses robust strands at the bamboo’s exterior length, which is why it can withstand significant wind forces.
Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Mix Proportions:
The water-cement ratio influences reinforced concrete performance and toughness. Being previously said, bamboo, as a natural construction material, absorbs water.
Bamboo swells due to water absorption. As a result, the water-cement ratio in the concrete mix percentage for bamboo reinforced concrete must be as low as feasible.
It should also be investigated to utilize concrete with high early-strength cement to reduce fractures caused by bamboo expansion.
Concrete mix design can be based on the structural design’s strength requirements.
Because reinforcement has no effect on the compressive strength of concrete, the proportion of mix design is the same as steel-reinforced concrete mix design.
Advantages of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete:
- Bamboo is an extremely durable natural material.
- As a form of reinforcement, it is economically viable.
- Bamboo is extremely flexible due to its hollow nature.
- The exterior layer of bamboo possesses an impermeable barrier that keeps it from decomposing in the presence of water and dampness.
- Bamboo has a strong shock-absorbing capability.
- By strength, bamboo is six times stronger than steel.
Disadvantages of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete:
- The main drawback of using bamboo as reinforcement is that it wears out faster than steel.
- The bamboo reinforced concrete method is not suitable for very big structures.
- Bamboo reinforcement is not appropriate for permanent buildings.
- It is vulnerable to insect and environmental damage.
- In cold areas, it is unsuitable.
- The elastic modulus of bamboo is low.
- It can bend or shatter owing to its poor modulus of elasticity.
- It adheres poorly to the concrete mix.
Also read: Reinforced Cement Concrete | Concrete Slab | Curing of Concrete | Waterproofing
Steel reinforced concrete building technologies may be used to bamboo reinforced concrete.
It is just the replacement of steel reinforcement with bamboo reinforcement.
The entire process for bamboo reinforced concrete building is the same as it is for conventional concrete construction.
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