Defects in paints appear during or immediately afterward the application of paint to walls.
“Paint Defects” is one of the three most constant markers when examining for “previous repairs” that might eventually suggest structural repairs, existing damage, or changes.
In this article you’ll learn:
- What are the defects of paints?
- Types of defects in paints.
- Merits and Demerits of painting.
- Lots more.
So, if you’re ready to go with it, this article is for you.
Let’s dive right in.
What are defects in Paints?
A paint defect can be caused by a variety of factors.
In rare circumstances, many flaws may exist concurrently, obstructing the assessment of causes and redemption works.

Types of defects in Painting:
Defects caused by Paint Storage:
The colors settle to the bottom of the container and refuse to re-disperse.
To prevent this, keep the vessels out of direct sunlight and prevent being in hot places for too prolonged.
The creation of a layer of the skin on the vessel is referred to as skinning.
Maintain the vessel airtightly and prevent unwanted openings to minimize this.
Gelling is caused by combining the paint with infectious material and aqueous solutions, which reduces the viscosity levels.
Applying various types of paint should be avoided.
Defects in paints appear sooner or later when the paint is applied to the walls:
Seems to be the most important type of cracking, it occurs when the hair follicles around the small area.
It is a defect to kill a crocodile when the confined area is large.
This happens when the paint film does not have tensile strength and when the paint is applied in very cold weather or the undercoat is not dry enough.
When the cracks are tiny and do not develop over time, the top layer is smoothed with fine sandpaper, and a new coat of paint is sprayed.
The length of the crack paint system runs below the original surface.
Paint does not remain intact when plaster or stone cracks.
Before the front cover is totally dry, a top coat is applied prematurely.
Wrinkles or cracks occur when the paint coat is too thick or with too much oil.
The bottom part of the paint does not dry out due to the large thickness of the paint coat, which reduces over time as it dries.
Sagging and Running:
Paints placed on a smooth, glossy surface do not stick and flow to the back or to unpainted areas.
Sagging and running are two terms for the same thing.
The area to be painted should be scraped with fine sandpaper before painting.
Brush Marks:
For finishing coats, use low-quality brushes or new/rough brushes, the levelling process is not completed effectively.
The paint is very thick, showing high viscosity.
Poor workmanship (negligent application).
Use a brush to apply dry paint quickly causes defects in paints.
Cissing or tiny craters:
The paint was not completely diluted or the color is not applied properly.
Using a very thin coat of paint.
The undercoat is the wrong color.
Loss of gloss:
As a result of sloppy polishing because there is oil or grease present.
Using thinner is not recommended. Applying enamels on highly absorbent substrates.
Store in the chamber without proper drainage to prevent the back cover from drying out. Presence of atmospheric moisture.
Dry Spray:
The air pressure is too high. The gun went to the surface very quickly. It is impossible to make a continuous film with this paint because it is too thin.
The weapon stayed off the ground. Efflorescence Since there is water in the substrate.
If an impermeable layer, such as synthetic enamel paints, is applied to the base, crystalline powder forms on the bottom of the paint layer, causing defects in the paint.
The salt solution can flow through porous films, such as emulsion paints, and crystallization on the paint layer.
Dirt from the environment or the surface of brushes that have never been properly cleaned. As a result of pieces of dried ingredients, they are mixed.
Using paints without much effort. Use paint to cover dusty places. Using contaminated utensils and equipment. Gloss paint is applied on the back paint without using an undercoat.
Defects in paints appear after the cure period is over:
Blistering and peeling:
Expansion of the paint is defined as a lack of adhesion between one or more coats or primers and the primary surfaces in a specific location.
Blisters appear when the surface is swollen due to oil or grease, while peeling occurs when the swelling is due to moisture.
Nonporous coatings, such as oil-based paints and surface coatings, are included.
For heated surfaces such as radiators, special heat-resistant paint must be applied.
This is caused by wet air, oily or greasy surfaces, or confined gases in the applied surface and paint layer, which inflate when exposed to heat.
Emulsion paints have a porous surface that allows moisture to escape.
The paint coating becomes powdery due to the lack of oil in the primer.
This involves removing the paint coating from the surface. Moisture seeps via the holes in the coatings, separating the surfaces and the paint film.
The following are the procedures for curing:
- Plastic emulsion paints are used. While applying the fresh layer, the area should be cleaned with fine sandpaper.
- Any debris or dust on the surface should be removed before painting.
Applying very sticky paint.
Defective atomization of paint during spraying.
Holding a weapon too far away from the painted area or splashing too close to the object.
While spraying, water is combined into the paint.
Spray gun that isn’t working properly causes defects in paints.
Air pressure is reduced.
It’s done with a quick-drying reducer.
This is due to the poor opacity of the paint film, even after applying the last coat.
In this example, the background and its errors will be easily exposed.
Due to prolonged exposure to the weather.
Microbial growth:
Painting on the surface is affected by the growth of microorganisms.
Moisture or dampness in buildings.
Paint taint from materials used in the production of putties, like chlorine, adhesive, and water.
The paint film is not exposed to natural sunshine, which causes it to yellow.
Patchiness is caused by the surface’s high absorbance.
Application for finishing coatings on spot putty surfaces, the surface has a high salinity (clear in new Walls) when the putty or filler is usually dry.
Advantages of Paints:
- Protected from surface pests, rain, sunlight, and other natural elements.
- Easy to maintain: A well-painted surface is easy to clean and secure.
- Enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the surface.
- Waterproofing.
- Increasing surface durability.
Disadvantages of Paints:
- Bad workmanship causes defects while painting.
- Conditions for painting must examine.
- Moisture Salt and alkalis.
- Unsuitable surfaces.
- The Wrong choice of paint causes defects.
Also read: Lime Plaster | Compaction of Concrete | Cement Plaster
Based on the results of the study, it appears that man plays an important role in the formation of defects in paints, the preparation of surfaces, and the defects that arise during use.
In order to optimize profits, some paint manufacturers do not check the quality of the paint samples they produce.
They do not consider the quality of their raw materials, the coating strength of the paint they produce, the solvent suitable for certain resins, the weather durability, and so on.
Painters with a lot of experience also contribute a lot to paint defects.
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