Plinth protection is provided to prevent water infiltration into the soil and reaches the plinth wall and floor level by capillary action resulting in dampness, acting as a barrier and blocks water’s direct entry into the ground near the plinth wall.
A plinth is a base or platform that helps a beam, column, or structure, while structurally, the plinth distributes weight and strain evenly over a large area in a column.
It’s also possible to elevate buildings above the ground to guard them against water or other elements.
Introduction to Plinth protection:
Plinth protection is reinforced by offering an extra size or extra thickness/peak on the bottom of the beam or below the foundation.
In brief, the plinth is the basis of the structure transmits the load of the structure to the soil.
The plinth normally rests instantly on the bottom, the plinth exists to interact between structure and the ground.
Some soils contain chemicals and minerals that can develop a strong reinforced concrete structure, so a protection layer it is necessary to extend the lifetime of the structure.
Many times the plinth has to deal with external agencies like water, tree roots, termites as it affects the life of the plinth and weakens it, so it is necessary to protect the plinth from such agencies.
Height of Plinth:
The height of the plinth is between 300 – 450 mm from the bottom level, it is recommended that a minimal baseboard peak of 150 mm above the natural level be adopted.
Plinth Beam and its Objective in a Building:
- The plinth beam is a reinforced concrete beam formed between the wall and its foundation.
- The plinth beam is offered to prevent the growth or cracking of cracks within the foundation when it suffers from laying.
- Plinth beams evenly distribute the load from the wall on the foundation.
- In a skeletal system, the plinth beam is the primary beam to be constructed after the foundation.
Necessity of Plinth Protection:
Plinth protection is required to avoid/ reduce water seeping in the earth reaching the plinth wall and floor level by capillary action.
Plinth protection reduces water from entering the soil directly close to the plinth wall, this is usually by placing the plain precast slab to a width of 600 mm.
A frame structure is intended to attach the plinth beam to all columns, thereby lowering the efficient size and slope of the columns.
Welted beams are commonly used in the foundation is slightly deeper, it acts as a reinforcement or mooring element.
Another reason for providing a plinth beam is to avoid differential settlement in the building, due to the fact that the entire weight of the wall is under the skirting beam.
Also read: Plinth Level & Sill Level | Components of Building | Lintel Level | Carpet Area
The plinth is usually protected by placing a layer of 100 mm normal cement concrete along the edge of the building.
The main idea behind this is to prevent water retention at the edge of the building, thus ensuring a longer life.
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